
Best practices for email distribution

  1. Personalise the subject line, and mention the personalised video to stand out in the recipients inbox.
  1. Harmonise the preheader and the subject line copy.
  1. Use the personalised thumbnails provided by SEEN.
  1. Keep the email copy short and concise.
  1. Use the landing page / video link as the sole CTA in the email.
  1. Make sure both the thumbnail and the CTA lead to the landing page / video.
  1. Send out at a time you have received the best open and click-rates, based on data from your previous sendings.
      • If no such data is available, SEEN can recommend a time based on a use case.
  1. Send the emails in batches to evaluate results, and to avoid a campaign-wide mistakes.
  1. Split test with different subject line / content to evaluate campaign-wide results.
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